Walking the Camino: Day 5


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Today was rough. Breathtaking in more than one way if you get my drift. A lot of rocky hill paths leading into more mountainous areas of Portugal with very few stops for food or drink. But, this was arguable the most beautiful day on the Camino so far. We were in little villages with winding roads, and cut through the woods on rocky paths. There was even a river crossing over a beautiful pedestrian bridge.

But as I told my friend: I’m hot, sweaty, and exhausted but having the best time. Two more blisters to add to the count, but overall my legs and feet feel much better than they did at the end of the day yesterday. I guess you could say I’m getting my trail legs.

Dad made a furry friend! He walked with us for a few blocks

With as strenuous as our walk was today, we still had time to relax and enjoy what Portugal has to offer. In fact, we stopped for pasteis de natas and espresso only 1.5 miles into our walk today. It was the perfect pick-me-up for a slow starting morning. Our second rest of the day was at a great little shop for some icy cold juice (exactly what’s needed in the hot weather). Our third and favorite stop was at a beautiful stone picnic table after a particularly long slog up a cobblestone street. Then we got to rest on a shaded bench outside a beautiful church next to the cleanest public bathrooms on the Camino. Rest stops are the best. I remember them all fondly.

Our B&B tonight is an idyllic stone oasis complete with lemon and orange trees, a pool (I need to bring my swimsuit next Camino), roosters crowing, and a cute cat, all overlooking a vineyard run by the same family. The property has been in the owner’s family since 1744 which is honestly mind-boggling. They renovated and refurbished everything and opened the guesthouses in 2004. What a wonderful family legacy!

After checking in to our B&B, we put our feet up for a few minutes before walking to a little cafe for the best tasting salads (ham and cheese for Dad, kebab for me) and passion fruit Fanta. It was definitely the tastiest meal of the day, probably helped by the fact that lunch consisted of an apple and a few crackers.

Kebab salad and passion fruit Fanta! So delicious

Then we sat at a table by the pool of our B&B and played Gin Rummy. I destroyed Dad in case you were wondering. It was an excellent way to end the day!

Dad walking the Camino

Oh yeah! Personal best for me step-wise today. 30,649 taken. Crazy, right?

STATS – Total Today (Total Camino):
Steps taken by me: 30,649 (134,774)
My mileage: 11.67 (52.2)
Dad’s steps: 26,141 (120,961)
Dad’s mileage: 10.96 (51.34)
Number of blisters: 2 (5)
Pasteis de natas consumed by both of us: 2 (17)

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